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Public involvement and engagement activities require a budget. It is strongly recommended that researchers plan for, cost and include an appropriate budget for both involvement and engagement in the grant application.

The School facilitates funding opportunities for involvement and engagement. 



The SPCR would like to contribute to the NIHR’s ambition to develop new ideas to improve public involvement and engagement activities. This funding call is to encourage those from SPCR Member Departments to develop new, or continue existing, relationships with groups, organisations and communities currently under-served by research or health and care in general. Projects and activities need to have a strong link to primary care research and funding can be requested for up to £8,000

This competition is now closed



The NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) has a track record of funding high quality primary care research. As well as raising awareness of primary care research, we are committed to increasing engagement and dissemination activities.

As such, the SPCR is launching a second funding call for engagement and dissemination activities.

Researchers may apply for small bursaries, of up to £800, to engage and disseminate SPCR funded research amongst non-academic audiences. Activities may include public talks, hands-on activities in a community setting, information stands in public spaces or virtual workshops with non-academic professionals. Creativity in the types of activities proposed is particularly encouraged.

View Examples of previously funded projects. Further information on this call and eligibility criteria can be found in the call's guidance notes, which can be downloaded below.

This competition is now closed. Please check back soon for opportunities launching in 2025. 



Many of the SPCR members have funding opportunities for their researchers for involvement and engagement opportunities:


The National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) provide a comprehensive list of funders for public engagement. 

Other organisations who also provide grants for involvement and engagement activities include: