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The SPaCE national survey is now live! We need parent carers of children or young people with SEND to take part in our research on mental health support for parent carers.

This research will help us to learn whether parent carers are accessing support or treatment for their mental health and what kinds of support or treatment are available in their local area or nationally.

We would be grateful if you could share the following information in your networks:

Are you a parent carer of a child with SEND living in England? To share your experience, please take a few moments to help us learn how to improve mental health support for parent carers.

Our survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Here is a link to the survey:


You can also find us on social media at the following pages where we have shared a link to the survey:

-             Twitter: @spaceexeteracu1

-             Facebook: Space – Support for Parent Carers in England Study

And the study website is here:

The SPaCE Project is funded by the Three NIHR Research Schools Mental Health Programme.