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Centre for Academic Primary Care – University of Nottingham

The Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC) is a multi-disciplinary unit of over 130 people, including practising GPs, other health professionals, psychologists, statisticians, research and support staff.

Working together with the Centre for Evidence Based Dermatology, and Epidemiology and Public Health (which form the Unit of Lifespan and Population Health), and colleagues in Rehabilitation and Aging, we do internationally leading research to improve the health and primary health care of individuals and communities. In the Research Excellence Framework 2021, 100% of our research impact was judged to be world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour.

We welcome and train postgraduates to be the best researchers of tomorrow, and have expertise in randomised controlled trials, observational studies, epidemiology, economics and qualitative methods.


Joe Kai

Kate Radford 


Kate Radford 


Amy Bourton


Amy Bourton