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NIHR School for Primary Care Research. Three Schools Mental Health Programme. The Ideas Fund: Supporting community-led collaboration with researchers webinar. 12 October 2023, 11:00am - 12.15pm.

The Ideas Fund is a grants programme run by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, which enables the UK public to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing by working with researchers.

The Fund has tested out a new approach to supporting community-led collaboration with researchers. Individuals, community groups, and charities have been invited to apply for and hold the funds, running projects that are important to them whilst being supported to build relationships with researchers on their own terms.

We are hosting an online webinar on Thursday 12 October 2023 commencing at 11am until 12.15pm, to be led by Chris Manion, Head of Grants from the British Science Association who will share the learnings from The Ideas Fund so far.

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