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  • 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020
  • Project No: 488
  • Funding round: FR19

Statin drugs are commonly used to reduce high levels of ‘bad cholesterol’, also called low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Over the years, excessive LDL cholesterol can gradually accumulate in the body, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes and early death. For those reasons, doctors usually monitor LDL cholesterol levels in people aged over 50 years and may start treatment with statins to lower the cholesterol.

Currently, doctors know that statins reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the short term. However, they know much less about how statins control the LDL cholesterol level in the long-term (for example, after five years of treatment). Since the treatment with statins is usually for the rest of a lifetime, this kind of long-term evidence is essential for both doctors and patients to make decisions about their use of statins.

Our study aims to understand the association between long-term statins use and LDL cholesterol control. In particular, we will study both the immediate effect of statins on LDL cholesterol when first prescribed, as well as how LDL cholesterol keeps healthy levels in those who consume statins regularly. The findings of our study will inform both prescribers and long-term users of statin.



Irene Petersen, Wannamethee Goya, Kingshuk Pal (UCL)


Amount awarded: £17 069.74

Projects by themes

We have grouped projects under the five SPCR themes in this document

Evidence synthesis working group

The collaboration will be conducting 18 high impact systematic reviews, under four workstreams.