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ID Title Phase Start date End date
714 Exploring the role of the in-hours GP home visits – a scoping review and qualitative interview study FR 9 1 April 2025 31 March 2026
717 Social and Ethical Aspects of Remote and Hybrid Care in the Special Allocation Scheme in general practice (SEARCH): A mixed methods study FR 10 1 November 2024 31 March 2025
700 Exploring healthcare pathways according to socioeconomic deprivation in populations with osteoarthritis: Applying sequence analysis to pre-arthroplasty pathways FR 9 1 September 2024 28 February 2026
701 Use of menopausal hormone therapy and risks of cardiovascular disease: nested case-control study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink FR 9 1 September 2024 31 August 2025
720 Host immune response point-of-care testing for children and adults presenting to primary care with acute upper respiratory tract infection: a mixed-methods feasibility study FR 10 1 September 2024 31 August 2025
694 Discussing online activity and mental health with young people in primary care consultations: Development of co-produced guidance. FR 9 1 August 2024 31 March 2025
695 Inequalities in diagnosing coeliac disease in the UK: A Systematic Review. FR 9 1 August 2024 31 October 2025
723 Realist evaluation of the NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (NHS-CPCS) for urgent, low acuity conditions: how, when, why, for whom and to extent does it work to benefit patients FR 11 1 August 2024 31 January 2026
702 Primary Care Under Pressure: mapping the provision of staff wellbeing strategies and interventions for the primary care workforce in England FR 9 1 July 2024 31 March 2025
716 Patient experiences of involvement in remote primary care CONSULTations for Medical Education: A mixed methods study FR 10 1 July 2024 31 December 2025
693 The consideration of inclUsioN and equalITy featurEs of Physical Activity digital interventions for people with Long-term conditions in primary care: a scoping review (the UNITE-PAL study). FR 9 1 June 2024 31 May 2025
707 The Use and Usability of the OATH (Optimising Access Through Human fit) Resource Set’ FR 9 1 June 2024 31 May 2025
692 Understanding the mental health and wellbeing needs within primary care of family carers of people living with dementia from a South Asian background. FR 9 1 May 2024 30 April 2025
691 Couples’ experiences of living with low back pain: qualitative interviews with people with low back pain and their partners FR 9 1 April 2024 30 June 2025
696 Enhancing self-management in primary care for people experiencing socioeconomic deprivation with multiple long-term conditions FR 9 1 April 2024 16 March 2025
697 Impact of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone on children’s health and costs: evidence from NHS health records FR 9 1 April 2024 31 May 2025
698 What is the impact of climate change and associated weather extremes for primary care in England: A qualitative study amongst people with multimorbidity FR 9 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
699 Factors influencing the implementation of digital health within primary care settings. A systematic review FR 9 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
703 Exploring the association between therapeutic use of Lithium and the risk of dementia FR 9 1 April 2024 30 September 2025
704 Development and external validation of a risk prediction model for asthma attacks in primary care: a retrospective cohort study FR 9 1 April 2024 30 September 2025
705 Understanding Patient Perspectives of Postural hypotension (UPPP) FR 9 1 April 2024 31 May 2025
706 Patient-led interventions to manage symptoms and episodes of atrial Fibrillation: a mixed-methods study FR 9 1 April 2024 30 June 2025
708 Safety of ciprofloxacin and risk of suicidality: a case control study in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. FR 9 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
709 Community Alternatives to aCute Hospitalisation for Older People who have Fallen FR 9 1 April 2024 31 March 2026
710 Enhancing Practitioner Health’s Readiness to Identify and Respond to Domestic Violence and Abuse: a mixed-methods study to develop a theoretically grounded intervention in primary care FR 9 1 April 2024 31 March 2026
711 Hormone replacement therapy use and disparities in health outcomes in a population of older women FR 9 1 April 2024 31 May 2025
712 Agreement of data Generated from Routine Electronic hEalth records across primary and secondary care and a randomised controlled trial (AGREE): a cohort study assessing the accuracy of methods for long-term follow-up FR 9 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
715 Impact of app-based technology for the management of chronic wounds FR 9 1 April 2024 30 September 2024
718 Mental Health Outcomes and Utilization of Mental Health Care Services in ageing adults in Primary Care. FR 10 1 April 2024 31 March 2026
721 PREscription of statins and antipsychotics associated with diabetes deVelopmENT (PREVENT). FR 10 1 April 2024 31 March 2026
690 Different primary care for different patients – how should we balance continuity and urgent access? FR 9 1 April 2024 1 April 2025
728 Heart failure and participation in physical activity: Healthcare professional support and availability of community physical activity services. FR 11 4 March 2024 31 August 2025
719 Optimising general practice support for autistic adults: A realist review. FR 10 1 March 2024 30 April 2025
726 Engaging dental professionals in research – overcoming barriers to recruitment in primary dental care. FR 11 1 March 2024 30 November 2025
727 Who does not access care? An exploratory multisite investigation into people experiencing deprivation with musculoskeletal problems. The ‘Way-in to MSK’ study. FR 11 1 February 2024 31 March 2026
713 Redefining Care after Miscarriage: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Patient Experiences and Service Delivery Models FR 9 1 January 2024 31 December 2025
722 Multiple methods study of universal school-based food provision for secondary school children in Tower Hamlets FR 10 1 January 2024 31 March 2026
724 Optimising the Provision of Exercise for People with Knee and/or Hip Osteoarthritis in Primary Care: An individual Participant Data Network Meta-analysis and Community of Practice FR 11 1 January 2024 31 December 2025
725 Understanding ambulance service stakeholder perspectives on how point-of-care (POC) technology can identify the primary care needs of patients and inform the prehospital care plan. A qualitative interview study. FR 11 1 January 2024 31 December 2024
673 Understanding risk stratification of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care FR6 1 December 2023 30 November 2025
681 Improving communication about menopause for women from South Asian backgrounds FR 8 1 December 2023 31 March 2025
640 Identifying digital healthcare solutions for young people with ADHD (DigitalHealth-ADHD) FR6 1 October 2023 30 September 2024
651 Co-design of a decision support tool for falls prevention in primary care FR6 1 October 2023 30 September 2024
684 The association between the COVID-19 vaccine and skin conditions FR 8 15 September 2023 14 September 2025
641 A mixed-methods study of attendance for suspected cancer investigations in people with anxiety and/or depression: an observational case-control study and pilot work for a subsequent discrete choice preference study FR6 1 September 2023 31 August 2024
678 Exploring link workers’ experiences and intentions to quit FR 8 1 July 2023 31 October 2024
639 Quantifying the risks of deprescribing FR6 1 July 2023 31 December 2024
648 CHARIOT: A Cardiovascular Health Assessment and Risk-based Intervention Optimisation Tool embedded within the patient-facing health record FR6 1 July 2023 31 December 2024
677 Prostate cancer through the eyes of Black men in the UK FR6 1 July 2023 31 December 2024
646 Framework for medicines optimisation and safety in primary care post mental health discharge. FR6 1 July 2023 30 October 2024
652 Exploring the care pathway to diagnosis for autoimmune blistering diseases FR6 1 July 2023 30 June 2024
655 Epidemiological reviews quantifying the relationship between heaviness of smoking in pregnancy and infant outcomes FR6 24 June 2023 23 December 2024
680 Non-cancer diagnoses and their potential for missed opportunities in symptomatic cancer diagnosis: a mixed methods study FR 8 1 June 2023 30 November 2025
682 STanding blood pressure and its AssociatioN with cardiovascular Disease and aDverse events FR 8 1 June 2023 31 May 2025
638 Deprescribing in the context of limited life expectancy FR6 1 June 2023 31 January 2025
642 SHADOW – Seeking Help for Anxiety/Depression within cOmmunity-dWelling older adults FR6 1 June 2023 30 November 2024
647 Collaborative and co-Ordinated action for Medication Safety (COMS): improving General Practice and Community Pharmacy collaboration FR6 1 June 2023 31 March 2024
666 STOIC-GP Quality and Safety Themes Of Interpreted Consultations in General Practice FR6 3 April 2023 21 September 2025
663 Social prescribing and type 2 diabetes prevention FR6 3 April 2023 29 February 2024
672 Health Economic Model development for GRoups for Engaging with Alexander Technique lessons for back pain (HE-GREAT) FR6 1 April 2023 30 September 2023
675 Non-pharmacological interventions for dementia-related psychosis FR6 1 April 2023 30 September 2023
676 Digital Health Inclusion Project (DHIP) FR6 1 April 2023 30 April 2024
683 Assessing and understanding the potential of assistive technology in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to support independence and wellbeing: A mixed-methods study FR 8 1 April 2023 30 September 2024
643 Cardiovascular safety of febuxostat. FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
645 Unmet needs and inequalities in primary care FR6 1 April 2023 31 December 2023
650 Integrated care approach for stroke FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2025
654 Experiences of certifying fit notes FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
658 Fetal Dopplers at home FR6 1 April 2023 30 January 2024
660 Lung Cancer in Never Smokers FR6 1 April 2023 30 September 2024
661 Summarising the predictive performance of the SHFM and MAGGIC models FR6 1 April 2023 1 April 2024
664 Childhood Immunisation System to Improve Timeliness and Equity: Quality Improvement Programme FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
667 Clustering health and social care need in MLTC FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
669 Fenugreek for T2DM: Systematic Review FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
670 The role of social prescribing in Medication Review and Deprescribing FR6 1 April 2023 30 September 2024
671 Health visitors’ management of excessive infant crying FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
679 Undiagnosed HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in primary care: Targeted testing using digital technology to increase identification and improve care pathways for higher risk and underserved communities FR 8 1 April 2023 30 September 2025
613 Adapting Action Falls for Palliative Care FR5 1 April 2023 31 December 2023
644 Perspectives on paIN managemenT with Opioids for persistent non-palliative pain in the oldest old FR6 1 April 2023 31 May 2024
653 Navigating primary care with Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal (TSW) FR6 1 April 2023 30 June 2024
656 Long term outcomes after infant GBS disease in England (GBS-LTO) FR6 1 April 2023 31 August 2024
657 Acuterespiratory infection (ARI) hubs implementation FR6 1 April 2023 31 March 2024
665 Exploring the problem of INCLUSIVity and idEntifying solutions in REMOTE CARE delivery in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and multimorbidity (COPD&MM) from minoritised ethnic groups, their carers and professional interpreters: a qualitative study FR6 1 April 2023 31 May 2024
668 ‘Distress pathways project’ FR6 1 April 2023 31 May 2024
674 AntipSychotic discontinuation and restarT and its association with cardiOvascular events and all-cause mortality in PatienTs witH dEMentia (STOP-THEM) FR6 1 March 2023 29 February 2024
604 Exploring ethnic differences in diagnostic intervals of cancer FR5 1 March 2023 31 August 2024
631 Prescribing teratogenic medicines in women of reproductive age FR5 1 March 2023 29 February 2024
632 Self-management of childhood constipation FR5 1 March 2023 29 February 2024
621 COMmunicating Together (COMT study) FR5 1 February 2023 31 July 2024
595 Improving diabetes classification in primary care FR4 1 February 2023 31 January 2025
649 Shared decision making for PTSD in primary care. FR6 31 January 2023 31 December 2023
637 SARS-CoV-2-attributable long-term outcomes in children in England FR6 4 January 2023 30 June 2024
606 The ‘CLIMB’ Study FR5 1 January 2023 31 December 2023
607 Preventing Steroid Harms in PMR FR5 1 January 2023 31 December 2023
629 Health economic assessment of Ovatools FR5 1 January 2023 30 June 2024
662 Non-malignant meningioma survivorship FR6 1 January 2023 31 December 2023
598 Primary care practitioners’ and patients’ views on the benefits and challenges of remote consulting for anxiety and depression in general practice. FR5 1 January 2023 31 July 2024
602 Early cancer diagnosis and community pharmacies in deprived areas FR5 1 December 2022 30 September 2024
634 Treatment for osteoporosis and fragility fractures in older people with SMI FR5 1 December 2022 30 September 2023
609 GPs reaching out work (GROW) FR5 1 November 2022 31 December 2023
615 Mental health and COVID-19 vaccine outcomes FR5 1 November 2022 31 October 2023
635 OTC products for later life mental health FR5 1 November 2022 30 September 2023
636 Support for Pakistani carers through social prescribing FR5 1 November 2022 31 October 2024
590 TOUCAN FR4 1 November 2022 31 July 2024
593 Sustainable GP workforce: a Realist Review FR4 1 November 2022 31 December 2024
594 Mode of consultation in general practice FR4 1 November 2022 30 April 2024
627 Asthma exacerbation and air pollution FR5 22 October 2022 21 October 2023
623 Systematic review of weight loss on PCOS symptoms FR5 3 October 2022 3 April 2023
603 Primary care PPIE FR5 1 October 2022 30 November 2023
605 Guilt, shame and the perception of being a burden among older adult with multimorbidity: a scoping review and qualitative exploration FR5 1 October 2022 31 December 2023
608 ‘Getting it Write’: Helping health professionals to write online consultation notes that meet patients’ needs. FR5 1 October 2022 31 March 2024
612 Genetic Haemochromatosis in the UK FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2023
616 Co-producing resources to support participation in research for adults with intellectual disabilities FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2024
617 Use of menopausal hormone therapy and risk of fractures FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2023
622 COVID-19 vaccination in children in England: uptake, safety and effectiveness FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2024
624 Diagnostic Testing for Children in Primary Care FR5 1 October 2022 31 March 2024
625 Postpartum management in primary care FR5 1 October 2022 31 March 2023
630 Anaphylaxis and self-management in young people with food allergy FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2024
596 Qualitative Data Preservation and Sharing (Q-DaPS) FR4 1 October 2022 30 September 2024
599 HIV prevention and testing in general practice FR5 1 October 2022 30 April 2024
600 Test Talk Tools: A mixed-methods systematic review to identify interventions to improve blood test communication in primary care FR5 1 October 2022 31 October 2024
601 Advanced Clinical Practice and frailty survey FR5 1 October 2022 31 December 2023
610 Hospital imaging capacity and cancer diagnoses in primary care FR5 1 October 2022 31 March 2024
611 Barriers to cervical screenings for under-screened individuals FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2023
614 Violence and Abuse towards General Practice Staff FR5 1 October 2022 31 December 2023
619 Diagnosis of Autoimmune Conditions in Children FR5 1 October 2022 31 December 2024
620 COVID-19 and economic outcomes FR5 1 October 2022 30 September 2023
626 Impact of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone on brain development and early mental health FR5 1 October 2022 31 December 2024
628 Cardiovascular disease in patients living with cancer FR5 1 October 2022 1 October 2024
633 The PREFIX study FR5 1 October 2022 30 April 2024
591 COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy FR4 1 October 2022 31 March 2025
578 DISCO UTI FR3 1 September 2022 28 February 2024
597 Well-being of the primary care workforce FR4 1 September 2022 31 August 2024
588 Multi-morbidity, Inequality and Use of and Access to Health Care FR3 1 September 2022 29 February 2024
589 Microbiology IPD FR3 1 September 2022 31 August 2024
592 Prescription Medication Sharing: A mixed methods study FR4 1 June 2022 31 May 2024
618 Blood eosinophil count predicting later life airways disease FR5 1 June 2022 31 May 2024
573 ‘Hidden in plain sight’; the unseen work of general practitioners in general practices in England FR3 1 June 2022 31 October 2023
579 Human-centered design of medicines management in primary care FR3 1 June 2022 31 December 2023
576 PRimary and community carE Staff as SURvivors of domestic violence and abusE - PRESSURE FR3 16 May 2022 15 May 2023
538 Patients’ experiences of self-management interventions for chronic widespread pain including fibromyalgia: A systematic review and thematic synthesis FR1 1 May 2022 31 October 2023
517 A qualitative exploration of Symptom Patterns and Lived experience of Long-COVID in children and adolescenTs: the SPLaT-19 qualitative study FR1 1 April 2022 30 September 2023
564 Treatment burden in people below the age of 65 with multimorbidity in primary care: A mixed methods study FR2 1 April 2022 9 August 2024
575 The role of clinical pharmacists in care for people living with dementia in primary care FR3 1 April 2022 31 August 2024
583 TARGET-ID FR3 1 April 2022 31 December 2022
565 Classification and outcomes of perinatal anxiety: implications for practice FR2 14 March 2022 13 March 2024
574 Systematic review of prognostic factors and inequalities in poor outcome in people with dementia FR3 1 March 2022 30 November 2023
577 Biomarkers and imaging for the detection of intra-thoracic cancer FR3 1 March 2022 31 December 2023
509 MaxWELL in Pilot Practices (MaPP) FR1 1 February 2022 31 July 2023
567 Community Pharmacy and General Practice collaborative and integrated working: a realist review FR2 1 February 2022 31 January 2024
580 Understanding the measurement of postural hypotension in primary care - UMPH FR3 1 February 2022 30 September 2023
587 Medication reviews and polypharmacy in primary care FR3 1 February 2022 30 September 2023
513 Implementing a training package for primary care clinicians to support women to do their Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises for the prevention and management of incontinence: the Pflexi Study. FR1 1 January 2022 31 December 2023
514 Presenting Complaints for Prostate Cancer in Primary Care: The PC3 study FR1 1 January 2022 31 December 2023
528 Men's sexual and reproductive health in primary care settings: a secondary analysis FR1 1 January 2022 31 December 2022
563 Talking in Primary Care 2: Testing the effects of communication skills e-learning for practitioners on patients’ musculoskeletal pain and enablement FR2 1 January 2022 30 June 2024
571 Diverse Voices on SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination (VOICE) FR3 1 January 2022 31 October 2022
572 Behaviour Change Components for Multi-morbidity FR3 1 January 2022 31 August 2022
581 Improving Community Diagnosis and Referral of Patients with Papilloedema versus Pseudopapilloedema FR3 1 January 2022 15 May 2023
582 Germ defence for care homes FR3 1 January 2022 30 August 2023
584 STOP AMR FR3 1 January 2022 31 May 2024
586 Face coverings and the burden of ARIs FR3 1 January 2022 30 September 2023
520 Exploring the role of community pharmacy teams in meeting primary care needs within marginalised communities since the COVID-19 pandemic. FR1 1 December 2021 30 June 2023
533 Developing a new approach to managing care home residents with possible urinary tract infection FR1 1 December 2021 30 November 2022
566 Mental illness diagnoses and self-harm episodes among children and young people in UK primary care records before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for these youngsters and their parents and for healthcare, social care and educational services. FR2 1 December 2021 31 December 2023
522 Supporting community pharmacists in skin condition management; a research priority setting exercise. FR1 15 November 2021 31 October 2022
518 Examining the prevalence and variations of hazardous opioid prescribing across general practices to inform the development of targeted interventions. FR1 1 November 2021 31 May 2022
531 Investigating how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected primary care urgent cancer referrals and how can we ensure service resilience for multi-ethnic communities and the general population FR1 1 November 2021 30 April 2024
536 Parental perceptions, experiences, and help-seeking behaviour for common infant symptoms: qualitative interview study FR1 1 November 2021 31 December 2023
539 Optimising self-management of long-term multi-morbidity in people who are experiencing socioeconomic deprivation FR1 1 November 2021 30 September 2023
516 The Stoma Support Study: Supporting the identification and management of distress in young people with an IBD stoma FR1 1 October 2021 31 March 2023
530 Exploring the relationship between air pollution during COVID first and second UK lockdowns and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the COVIDENCE UK cohort FR1 1 October 2021 30 September 2023
532 Exploring the potential opportunities and challenges associated with remote care for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease FR1 1 October 2021 30 September 2022
519 ‘Remote by Default’: Exploring the use and experience of total triage and remote consultations FR1 1 October 2021 17 March 2023
562 Exploring the Long-term Outcomes following a PrEgnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus FR2 1 October 2021 30 June 2024
569 Respiratory viral illness and transmission dynamics FR2 1 October 2021 30 June 2023
511 Evaluating ethnic differences in Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for detecting prostate cancer in primary care FR1 1 September 2021 28 February 2022
527 Management of asthma in primary care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative longitudinal study with patients FR1 1 September 2021 31 January 2023
510 Systematic reviews to inform the design of usual care comparator arms in primary care trials: methodological approaches and profiling of current research practice. FR1 1 September 2021 28 February 2023
515 Primary care research facilitation through patient and public involvement and engagement, and routine data support FR1 1 September 2021 31 December 2023
523 Anticholinergic bladder drugs and associations with dementia risk. FR1 1 September 2021 30 November 2023
526 Evaluating the effectiveness of screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care by linking the OxRen/NewKi study with the Oxford RCGP Research and Surveillance Centre and NHS Digital FR1 1 September 2021 29 February 2024
529 Understanding NHS social prescribing within socially and economically disadvantaged settings FR1 1 September 2021 31 July 2023
537 Remote discussion of emotional symptoms in telephone versus face-to-face primary care consultations: A pilot study FR1 1 September 2021 31 October 2023
525 Generating a priority list of unmet needs for women’s healthcare technology using a priority setting partnership guided approach FR1 1 August 2021 31 July 2022
521 Can we diagnose rare Antinuclear antibody (ANA) associated autoimmune diseases earlier? A matched cohort study of ANA positive patients. FR1 1 August 2021 30 September 2023
524 Using NRT for smoking reduction in pregnancy; exploration of novel cohort data and qualitative study FR1 1 August 2021 30 September 2023
512 Translating inter-arm blood pressure difference measurement into practice FR1 1 July 2021 31 December 2021
535 GRoup Alexander lessons for Chronic musculoskeletal pain in Everyday practice (GRACE): preliminary development FR1 1 July 2021 30 June 2022
534 Supporting Targeting Of antibiotics in Primary care to combat AMR using decision aids (STOP AMR – decision aids). FR1 1 July 2021 31 May 2024
475 The ability of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to identify care home residents at risk of adverse health outcomes FR19 1 October 2020 31 March 2021
485 Understanding general practitioners’ views and experiences of using clinical prediction rules in the management of respiratory infections: a qualitative study FR19 1 October 2020 31 March 2021
470 Multimorbidity in stroke patients FR19 9 September 2020 9 March 2021
491 Use of antidepressant treatment among new fathers: a cohort study using UK primary care data FR19 1 September 2020 28 February 2021
472 The RIDDLE study: Realist review of Interventions for Depression Delivered by ‘non-traditional’ providers to oLder pEople FR19 1 July 2020 31 March 2021
477 Systematic review and meta-analysis investigating nicotine, cotinine and carbon monoxide exposures in people who both smoke and use nicotine replacement therapy FR19 1 July 2020 14 February 2021
487 Views and experiences of community nurses and practice nurses of leg care and prevention of cellulitis: qualitative interview study FR19 1 July 2020 31 March 2021
488 Statins and LDL-Cholesterol in the long-term: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records FR19 1 July 2020 31 December 2020
466 Investigating the relationship between continuity of care and patients’ medication use FR19 1 June 2020 31 March 2021
468 What is the role of GPs and the wider Primary Care Team in caring for haematological cancer patients at the end of life? FR19 1 May 2020 31 January 2021
492 ACE-Inhibitors/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and risk of death for people infected with COVID-19: a prospective cohort study FR20 1 May 2020 1 August 2020
497 Optimising the telephone management of people affected or at risk of COVID-19 infection via NHS111 services FR20 1 May 2020 31 March 2021
496 LOngitudinal study of behaviours, risk factors, and effects of COVID-19 in the Community (LOCC): a large, rapid online observational study FR20 27 April 2020 31 March 2021
493 Rapid COVID-19 intelligence to improve primary care response (RAPCI) project FR20 20 April 2020 19 August 2020
494 Using linked primary care and viral surveilance data to develop risk stratification models to inform management of severe COVID19 FR20 20 April 2020 20 October 2020
461 Improving the evidence-base for primary care: NIHR Evidence Synthesis working group extension FR18 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
462 Patterns of remission in type 2 diabetes: A cohort study in primary care FR18 1 April 2020 30 March 2021
464 Optimising standard care smoking cessation advice from Health Care Assistants, Practice Nurses and GPs in the Management of Smoking in Primary Care (MaSC) trial FR18 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
463 Exploring diagnostic strategies for streptococcal throat infection in community pharmacies: a feasibility study FR18 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
467 Communicating the harms and benefits of chemoprevention to reduce breast cancer risk: a cross-sectional study in primary care FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
465 Bridging Gaps: co-producing trauma-informed access to primary healthcare with women with complex needs FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
469 Screening for diabetes and glucose intolerance disorders after gestational diabetes in primary care: A retrospective cohort analysis from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
471 The impacts and causes of the health gap in people living with severe mental illness: a systematic review FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
473 Controlled interventions for improving healthcare transitions among older people living in care homes: A mixed-method systematic review FR19 1 April 2020 30 September 2020
474 Piloting innovative approaches for evaluating health and social care integration policies for care home residents in Greater Manchester FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
478 Evaluating the health impact of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care patients compared with an intensively managed specialist disease registry FR19 1 April 2020 31 January 2021
480 Hormone replacement therapy and dementia risk: nested case-control studies using CPRD and QResearch FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
479 Seasonal trends in antidepressant prescribing, depression, anxiety, and self-harm in adolescents and young adults: study using UK primary care data FR19 1 April 2020 30 September 2020
481 Economic costs associated with miscarriage: A secondary analysis of QResearch FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
482 Establishing predictors of long-term health outcomes in the NewKI CKD cohort FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
483 The potential of community-based volunteering in supporting NHS social prescribing FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
484 Integrating primary care and social services for older adults with multimorbidity: A mixed methods study FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
486 NSAIDs for infection: a CPRD analysis FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
489 Nutrition & Hydration in Dementia: An Exploration of Culture in Black and Minority Ethnic groups FR19 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
476 The Annual Dementia Review: a qualitative study of experiences, attitudes and views of General Practitioners FR19 31 March 2020 30 September 2020
490 Exploring the views and experiences of under-represented groups in using digital health to self-manage Parkinson’s disease, from the perspective of the patient and family carer; to inform the development of a digital support tool FR19 31 March 2020 31 March 2021
495 RApid community Point-of-care Testing fOR Covid-19 (RAPTOR-C19) FR20 31 March 2020 31 March 2021
445 Healthy Community Fair: exploring the social prescribing needs of rural communities FR17 1 February 2020 24 April 2020
447 Testing and Developing Models of Engagement with Underrepresented Family Groups in Primary Care Research FR17 6 January 2020 30 June 2020
422 Antidepressant use and risk of morbidity and mortality: a population-based cohort study FR17 1 November 2019 31 July 2020
448 Increasing ethnic diversity in research into communication in primary care FR17 2 September 2019 4 April 2020
444 Prescribing of Antipsychotic Drugs in Older People in the UK: a cohort study using UK primary care data FR17 1 September 2019 31 January 2020
450 Understanding self-harm in older adults FR17 1 September 2019 31 December 2019
451 Finding out what matters: using art to elicit research ideas from people in traditionally underserved groups FR17 1 September 2019 31 March 2020
452 Helping women access information and support for their mental wellbeing after childbirth FR17 1 September 2019 31 August 2020
449 South West Palliative and End of Life Care Advisory Group FR17 1 September 2019 31 August 2020
446 Creative and novel approaches to engaging with children with eczema and their carers FR17 1 July 2019 31 March 2020
425 Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions for promoting physical activity: Systematic review and meta-analysis FR17 1 April 2019 31 August 2019
430 Uncovering ways in which carers of very old people with multiple conditions can be supported to maintain their own physical and psychological wellbeing: a qualitative interview study FR17 1 April 2019 30 December 2019
441 Qualitative study on community pharmacists’ perspectives of recommending herbal medicine in acute infections FR17 1 February 2019 20 February 2020
423 Using video to explore context and communication in urgent ‘primary care sensitive’ health encounters: a pilot study using body-worn video badges to investigate admission decisions FR17 1 January 2019 31 December 2019
427 Exploring patients’ values and preferences for colorectal cancer screening FR17 1 January 2019 30 June 2019
429 What do patients want from online access to their primary care record? A qualitative investigation into patients’ reported needs and expectations regarding online access. FR17 1 January 2019 31 December 2019
432 Developing and validating an optimised tool to identify familial hypercholesterolaemia in routine primary care. FR17 1 January 2019 30 June 2020
391 Novel upper respiratory tract microbiological point-of-care testing in children presenting to primary care with acute cough: A preliminary feasibility study FR 15 1 December 2018 1 October 2019
424 The role of CA125 in the detection of ovarian cancer in symptomatic women in primary FR17 1 December 2018 30 March 2020
439 Using evidence-based infographics to increase parents’ understanding about antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance: a proof-of-concept study FR17 1 December 2018 30 November 2019
389 Expectation Management for Patients in Primary Care: Developing and Feasibility Testing a New Digital Intervention for Practitioners FR 14 1 October 2018 30 September 2019
428 The impact of musculoskeletal conditions on outcome of hospital care for acute coronary syndrome and stroke: a linked electronic health record study FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
431 Understanding multimorbidity, frailty and disability trajectories in the very old: A longitudinal study in primary care FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
434 Positive mood and vaccine effectiveness: examining consequences for the health service FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
436 Childhood poisoning substance trends in England, 1998-2018 FR17 1 October 2018 31 March 2020
437 Patients’ attitudes towards and beliefs surrounding the management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and participant experiences of the Cranberries for UTI (CUTI) feasibility trial: A qualitative study FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
438 The long-term impact of surgical mesh devices in UK primary care: a 20-year retrospective case-control study FR17 1 October 2018 31 December 2019
440 Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of an expanded NHS primary care workforce (Stage 1) FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
442 A network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials of topical treatments for acne FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
443 Discussions of self-management and self-management education during GP consultations with patients with type 2 diabetes FR17 1 October 2018 31 July 2020
400 Infant and child primary and secondary health care costs associated with mode of childbirth and prematurity FR 15 1 September 2018 29 February 2020
417 Helping parents of children with respiratory tract infections decide when to consult primary care: a RAND appropriateness study FR 16 1 September 2018 31 August 2019
418 STRatifying Antihypertensive Treatments In multi-morbid hypertensives For personalised management of Blood Pressure FR 16 1 September 2018 31 March 2020
419 Understanding the Relationship between Multimorbidity in Later Life, Use of Health Services and Costs of Health Care FR 16 1 September 2018 31 October 2019
426 Experience, impact and management of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in teenagers and young adults (TYA): grant development and dissemination project FR17 1 September 2018 31 July 2019
415 Saline Nasal Irrigation For acute Sinusitis (II): A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial FR 16 1 August 2018 1 July 2020
433 Investigating women’s solutions for addressing and overcoming barriers to e-cigarette use for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a qualitative study. FR17 1 August 2018 1 February 2020
413 Do cranberry capsules reduce the consumption of antibiotics for symptoms of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections? A feasibility study. FR 16 1 July 2018 30 June 2020
416 IMproving the Accuracy of Psychosis PrEDiction using primary-care consultation data (M.A.P.P.E.D) FR 16 1 July 2018 30 September 2019
420 Public Involvement National Standards FR17 1 July 2018 30 June 2019
409 Evaluation of the new ePACT2 national polypharmacy prescribing indicators FR 16 1 June 2018 31 May 2019
399 Adherence to activity limitation recommendations in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: a ‘proof of concept’ study FR 15 1 May 2018 30 April 2019
406 iCARE: helpful aspects of treatment for substance use in primary care from the patient perspective FR 15 1 May 2018 31 January 2019
407 Exploring the views of primary care and community professionals on managing malnutrition in frail older people FR 15 1 May 2018 30 November 2018
394 The influence of adaptations to eating on patients’ symptom appraisal and timely presentation with possible cancer symptoms: a qualitative secondary analysis FR 15 1 April 2018 31 December 2018
395 Using conversation analysis to explore communication of cardiovascular disease and cancer risk in primary care FR 15 1 April 2018 31 December 2018
396 Long-term outcome of foot pain and osteoarthritis in older people in the general population: The Clinical Assessment Study of the Foot (CASF) seven-year follow-up FR 15 1 April 2018 31 March 2019
397 Targeting Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) to improve patient safety: informing a learning healthcare system FR 15 1 April 2018 31 August 2019
398 An investigation into the career intentions and training experiences of newly qualified general practitioners FR 15 1 April 2018 30 June 2019
401 Experiencing health at 95+: Qualitative interview study with surviving participants from 85+ study FR 15 1 April 2018 31 January 2019
402 Reducing malnutrition and frailty in older people in primary care: understanding the impact of oral health in later life. FR 15 1 April 2018 31 March 2019
403 Perspectives, experiences and challenges with suspected endometriosis in Primary Care FR 15 1 April 2018 31 January 2019
404 A low-carbohydrate, low-energy dietary intervention in primary care for patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised feasibility trial. FR 15 1 April 2018 30 September 2018
405 Measuring changes in lipid markers in the PC-SHOP trial FR 15 1 April 2018 31 March 2019
408 Investigating the unintended consequences of the use of digital health tools in primary care FR 16 1 April 2018 31 January 2020
410 Screening for atrial fibrillation FR 16 1 April 2018 31 March 2019
411 Investigating burnout in general practitioners and indicators of suboptimal patient care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. FR 16 1 April 2018 30 September 2019
412 Quantifying the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Across the UK FR 16 1 April 2018 30 September 2019
414 Understanding antibiotic prescribing patterns in out-of-hours (OOH) primary care FR 16 1 April 2018 30 September 2020
392 Examining the role of attachment in primary care mental health assessments FR 15 1 April 2018 30 September 2019
393 Optimising Management of Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Primary Care (Optimise-HFpEF) Sub-studies FR 15 7 February 2018 1 April 2019
380 The feasibility of examining cardiovascular event rates with different add-on therapies to metformin for type 2 diabetes mellitus using primary care data through benchmarking results against randomised controlled trials. FR 13 1 February 2018 30 September 2018
387 Microbiology of throat swabs collected when patients present to primary care with acute cough FR 14 1 February 2018 30 August 2018
359 Is prevention better than cure: assessing dementia risk in primary care FR 13 1 October 2017 30 September 2018
360 Health and wellbeing of older adults in care homes: What can we learn from existing longitudinal studies? FR 13 1 October 2017 31 March 2018
378 Management of anxiety and depression in frail older people: a qualitative study FR 13 1 October 2017 31 May 2018
379 Population-calibrated inference for incomplete continuous variables via weighted multiple imputation FR 13 1 October 2017 30 September 2018
382 Establishing research priorities to improve the management of patients with advanced heart failure using the James Lind Alliance method. FR 14 1 October 2017 1 April 2019
383 The TEST (Trial of Eczema allergy Screening Tests) Study: feasibility randomised controlled trial with economic scoping and nested qualitative study FR 14 1 October 2017 30 November 2019
384 Optimising Management of Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Primary Care (Optimise-HFpEF) FR 14 1 October 2017 30 June 2020
385 D-Mannose to prevent Recurrent UTI: a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial FR 14 1 October 2017 31 March 2020
386. Quantifying variation in UK primary care test use: A 15 year retrospective analysis of temporal and geographical variation in test use. FR 14 1 October 2017 1 October 2018
388 Evaluating the impact of the 2011 NICE Hypertension Guideline on the Management of Hypertension in Primary Care and Subsequent Outcomes FR 14 1 October 2017 30 December 2018
390 Improving the evidence-base for primary care: NIHR Evidence Synthesis working group FR 14 1 October 2017 30 September 2020
337 Investigating the impact of the introduction of a named GP assigned to patients 75 and over on their continuity of care and emergency hospital admission FR 13 1 September 2017 31 January 2018
338 Exploring the barriers and facilitators to identifying anxiety disorders in primary care FR 13 1 September 2017 30 November 2018
364 Body composition measurement and its prognostic value in aging and disease FR 13 1 September 2017 31 August 2018
370 Understanding the support needs of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/ myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME): A qualitative meta-synthesis FR 13 1 September 2017 30 June 2018
365 Statin use in COPD patients and risk of exacerbations: a cohort study using data from English primary care FR 13 1 August 2017 31 March 2018
339 The effectiveness of CVD preventative treatment in a multi-morbid population FR 13 1 July 2017 31 July 2018
344 Identifying effective ways to increase the uptake of cessation support among smokers: systematic review and meta-analysis FR 13 1 July 2017 31 December 2018
355 Preventing depression in the community by voluntary sector providers FR 13 1 June 2017 31 May 2018
356 Disease and healthcare usage in the 10th decade – Newcastle 85+ Study 10 year follow up. FR 13 1 June 2017 31 May 2018
367 What is the value of diagnostic tests at presentation in the ambulatory care setting to identify serious bacterial infections in the elderly? A systematic review and meta-analysis FR 13 1 June 2017 30 September 2018
377 Managing malnutrition in later life: exploring the views and dietary practices of older people at risk of malnutrition and their carers FR 13 1 June 2017 28 February 2019
347 Management of Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: What do Patients and Providers Need and Want? FR 13 1 May 2017 31 January 2018
340 Association of blood cholesterol and lipid-lowering treatments with post-stroke dementia: cohort studies using Clinical Practice Research Datalink and Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies FR 13 1 April 2017 30 September 2018
341 What are the barriers and facilitators when conducting CTIMPs in a primary care setting: experiences and lessons from the PROPS trial. FR 13 1 April 2017 31 December 2017
342 Development of simple risk models incorporating modifiable risk factors for the most common preventable cancers using EPIC-Norfolk FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
343 ‘I’m fine’: exploring patient and carer assertions of status in advanced COPD and clinical implications for primary care FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
345 The association between continuity of primary care and mortality and emergency hospitalisation for older patients with complex multimorbidity FR 13 1 April 2017 31 October 2017
346 Improving the diagnostic process for patients with bladder and kidney cancer: variations in pre-diagnostic clinical activities and events FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
348 Glucocorticoid induced complications in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis FR 13 1 April 2017 30 September 2018
349 Rheumatological and inflammatory conditions as risk factors for self-harm and suicide. A retrospective cohort study FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
350 Gout and Neurodegenerative Disorders: A retrospective cohort study in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. FR 13 1 April 2017 30 September 2017
351 Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for OsteoArthritis: the role of comorbidity FR 13 1 April 2017 31 May 2018
352 Getting a Better View of Osteoarthritis Trajectories and Variability (OA-TV): systematic reviews and stakeholder engagement FR 13 1 April 2017 31 December 2017
353 Quantifying severity of chronic conditions in English Primary Care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
354 An investigation of factors which are associated with successful transitions from GP Specialty Training Programmes to long-term careers in NHS general practice FR 13 1 April 2017 30 June 2018
357 Acceptability and feasibility of a new weight specific quality of life measure as a screening tool in primary care FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
358 Clinical system-generated alerts to improve GP practice for patients with low health literacy and numeracy: a feasibility study FR 13 1 April 2017 31 December 2017
361 External Validation of the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Case Ascertainment Tool (FAMCAT) FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
362 Evaluation of the impact of the national ‘Safe At Home’ scheme on injury rates in children under 5 using secondary care data. FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
363 Non-pharmacological approaches to optimising vaccine effectiveness: the development of an effective and acceptable intervention for primary care FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
366 Parents’ perceptions of Antibiotic USE and antibiotic resistance (PAUSE): a qualitative interview study FR 13 1 April 2017 31 December 2017
368 Establishing research priorities to improve the management of patients with advanced heart failure using the James Lind Alliance method FR 13 1 April 2017 30 September 2018
369 Patient reported outcome measures for acne: mixed methods validation study. FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
371 Investigating the possible role of Andrographis paniculata as a symptomatic intervention for acute respiratory tract infections FR 13 1 April 2017 30 April 2018
372 Epidemiology of Sepsis in adults in Primary Care: an exploratory study using the Hampshire Health Record FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
373 Investigating the feasibility of a mobile mindfulness-based digital intervention for patients with asthma FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
374 Prolonged Antibiotic Use, Inflammation and Obesity (PROBITY) - A Retrospective Cohort Study FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
375 Standardised Chinese herbal medicine for oligomenorrhoea and amenorrhoea in polycystic ovary syndrome: Nominal group technique and observational non-randomised study FR 13 1 April 2017 31 March 2018
376 Antibiotic Negotiations Conversation Analytic Project FR 13 1 April 2017 28 February 2018
334 Developing clinically useful subgroups from urine samples reported as ‘mixed growth’ to guide primary care clinicians FR 12 1 January 2017 1 January 2018
336 Feasibility study of Pelargonium sidoides root extract EPs®7630 (Kaloba®) for lower respiratory tract infection in adults FR 12 1 January 2017 31 December 2018
333 A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of GP promotion of e-cigarettes in supporting reduced smoking and abstinence in hardcore smokers with smoking-related chronic disease FR 12 1 October 2016 30 September 2018
335 OPtimising Treatment for MIld Systolic hypertension in the Elderly (OPTiMISE) FR 12 1 October 2016 31 May 2019
293 Developing and pre-testing a tailored interactive voice response (IVR) intervention to support adherence to anti-hypertensive medications FR 11 1 September 2016 31 March 2017
301 Determinants and burden of differing health trajectories in the very old FR 11 1 September 2016 31 August 2017
310 Blood pressure in pregnancy: a discourse analysis of official, informal and online information for pregnant women. FR 11 1 September 2016 30 November 2016
331 Quantifying severity of chronic conditions in English Primary Care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink FR 12 4 July 2016 5 July 2019
326 A systematic review of the measurement of implementation fidelity in primary care trials FR 11 1 July 2016 1 April 2017
330 Developing and evaluating a measure of inappropriate polypharmacy in primary care FR 12 1 July 2016 30 June 2018
332 Improving identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care using a new case ascertainment tool (FAMCAT) FR 12 1 July 2016 30 December 2018
329 Weight management intervention for postnatal women embedded within the national child immunisation programme in primary care FR 11 1 June 2016 31 August 2017
316 Exploring primary care patients’ experience of an internet intervention ‘Healthy Paths’ for emotional distress FR 11 1 May 2016 30 April 2017
321 MOVA: Mindfulness in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer – a feasibility study FR 11 1 May 2016 30 April 2017
272 The development of a digital GP behaviour change intervention to support GPs in the delivery of evidence based practice around the management of PSA screening and active surveillance in primary care FR 9 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
286 Systematic review of community detoxification for alcohol dependency FR 11 1 April 2016 31 December 2016
287 Impact of hospital admission upon patterns of primary care prescribing FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
288 Identifying the most appropriate treatment for IAPT attendees with depression and co-morbid personality difficulties FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
290 Identifying patients at raised risk of stroke due to paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation in primary care populations FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2018
294 Exploring patient barriers to the diagnosis of Giant Cell Artheritis in primary care FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
296 Illness perceptions and explanatory models in patients with type 2 diabetes and co-morbid depression. FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
297 Patient-led non-pharmacological management of ACuTe FLAREs of knee osteoarthritis in primary care settings: a feasibility and pilot study FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
298 Burnout in general practitioners: a systematic review of relationships with patient safety and a feasibility study of the measurement of burnout FR 11 1 April 2016 31 October 2016
299 Characterising the primary care population with frailty to better stratify and target healthcare interventions FR 11 1 April 2016 30 September 2017
300 IMprovIng access to DemeNtiA caRE for BriTish ethnic minorities FR 11 1 April 2016 30 September 2016
303 Exploring the relationship between frailty, multi-morbidity and the use of healthcare resource by the very old. FR 11 1 April 2016 30 June 2017
304 Unintended effects of novel oral anticoagulants (NOAC) vs warfarin in real world settings FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
305 Is systematic identification of Familial Breast Cancer risk more cost-effective than the currently recommended opportunistic approach in primary care? FR 11 1 April 2016 31 December 2016
306 Exploring the views of key stakeholders on an intervention aimed at improving the safety of prescribing of GP Associates in training FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
307 Trends in NHS prescribing of dual NRT (DNRT) and varenicline in pregnancy and effects on infants FR 11 1 April 2016 31 December 2016
308 Developing CONSORT guidelines for lay summaries on clinical trials, and evaluating their impact. FR 11 1 April 2016 31 July 2016
309 Systematic review to assess the impact of point-of-care tests on patients and healthcare processes FR 11 1 April 2016 31 July 2016
311 Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group twentieth anniversary priority setting FR 13 1 April 2016 31 December 2016
312 DiSCeRN - eviDence Synthesis of Clinical Study reports for NOACs (DiSCeRN - phase 1) FR 11 1 April 2016 30 September 2016
313 Availability of withdrawn anorexigenics for sale in search engines FR 11 1 April 2016 30 March 2017
314 The Evidence of Effects Page: Refinement of a tool for optimising evidence-based informed treatment decisions In Clinical practice (The EEPIC-1 study) FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
315 Development of Primary Care Trial Management System FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
317 Rosehip for osteoarthritis of hip, hand and knee: A Cochrane review FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
318 Screening for Atrial Fibrillation using Economical and Accurate TechnologY (SAFETY) – a pilot study FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
320 Clustering at the GP and practice level in individually randomised studies – a review of 10 years of primary care trials FR 11 1 April 2016 30 November 2016
322 Exploring the use of the Internet as a support tool for older family carers of people with dementia FR 11 1 April 2016 31 March 2017
323 An examination of STI testing influences for young people in primary care FR 11 1 April 2016 31 January 2017
311 Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group twentieth anniversary priority setting (CTAG taps) FR 11 1 April 2016 31 December 2017
289 The Tip of the Iceberg: Identifying Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) in Primary Care FR 11 2 March 2016 1 September 2016
281 Deaths and hospital admissions during cold weather: derivation and validation of a tool to help primary care identify vulnerable people FR 10 1 March 2016 31 August 2017
292 Validation of existing risk prediction models for prostate cancer using data from UK BioBank and EPIC-Norfolk FR 11 1 March 2016 28 February 2017
319 Experiences of lower limb cellulitis and cellulitis prevention: qualitative interview study FR 11 1 March 2016 30 November 2016
291 Towards person-centred care: development of a patient support needs tool for patients with advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in primary care FR 11 1 February 2016 31 August 2016
325 A risk prediction tool to identify pregnant women at high risk of postnatal depression FR 11 1 February 2016 31 January 2017
259 Empowering People to Help Speak Up about Safety (EPHESUS) in Primary Care FR 9 1 January 2016 30 July 2016
282 Doctors as patients - a qualitative study to explore the barries and facilitators to help - seeking by General Practitioners with mental health problems: improving access to care FR 10 1 January 2016 28 February 2017
283 Administrative data to evaluate new models of primary care FR 10 1 January 2016 31 December 2017
284 Harnessing resources from the internet to maximise outcomes from GP consultations (HaRI): a qualitative study FR 10 1 January 2016 31 December 2017
302 Collaborating with patients to improve patient safety in primary care FR 11 1 January 2016 30 October 2016
324 Patients’ and primary care professionals’ views on, and preferences for, a digital diabetes prevention programme (DDPP) among individuals at high risk of developing diabetes FR 11 1 January 2016 31 December 2016
243 Understanding the volume and content of general practice consultations: the 5th National Morbidity Study FR 10 1 January 2016 31 August 2017
243 Understanding the volume and content of general practice consultations: the 5th National Morbidity Study FR 9 1 January 2016 31 August 2017
274 Southampton communication study (SoCS): managing multiple health concerns FR 9 16 November 2015 14 November 2016
252 Children and Adolescents with Musculoskeletal Pain in primary care: CAM-Pain Feasibility Study FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
253 Comparative Effectiveness of Treatment Options for Subacromial Shoulder Conditions: A Network Meta-Analysis FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
254 Can metaphors usefully represent underlying CBT principles for Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS), and how acceptable are such generic and MUS specific metaphors to patients and practitioners? FR 9 1 October 2015 30 June 2016
255 The role of systemic inflammatory diseases in long-term morbidity and mortality: a retrospective, matched-cohort study in the Clinical Research Practice Datalink FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
256 Incidence of osteoporosis and fracture in common inflammatory diseases in primary care FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
257 The diagnostic and prognostic value of the symptom of shortness of breath in primary care: a cohort study FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
258 Predicting individual risk of future hip and knee replacement for osteoarthritis FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
260 Investigation of the factors behind the training choices of junior doctors which result in inadequate recruitment to general practice careers. FR 9 1 October 2015 31 December 2016
261 Assessing dementia risk in general practice: a qualitative study of the attitudes and views of patients and the public. FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
262 The role of primary care in liver disease: early detection and end of life care? A qualitative study of the perceptions of primary health care professionals FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
263 Can a frailty index be used in primary care practice to improve prognostication at the end of life? A multi-method study FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
264 Keeping active: maintenance of physical activity in older people after an exercise intervention FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
265 Anticholinergic drugs and the risk of dementia: a nested case control study FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
266 Implementing diagnostic genetic testing for familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care: qualitative study FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
267 Blood pressure self-monitoring individual patient meta-analysis of registered trials; sub group analyses in a multi-morbid population FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
268 Risk factors for influenza-related complications in children: a retrospective cohort study using linked routinely collected data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink and National Pandemic Flu Service FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
269 Evidence synthesis for economic decision models of primary care diagnostics FR 9 1 October 2015 31 December 2015
270 Getting it right for autistic patients: a qualitative study FR 9 1 October 2015 30 June 2016
271 The Association Between Evidence-Based Medication Use And Unplanned Hospital Admissions: A National Observational Study in Primary Care FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
273 Investigating the impact of a short-course MBSR-based mindfulness intervention on patients with difficult-to-manage asthma FR 9 1 October 2015 31 March 2016
275 UNderstanding medIcal and non-medical anTibiotic prescribing for rEspiratory tract infections in primary care out of hours services: a qualitative analysis FR 9 1 October 2015 29 September 2016
276 Andrographis paniculata for symptomatic relief of lower respiratory tract infection: A Cochrane review FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
277 Assessing dementia risk in general practice: a qualitative study of the attitudes and views of primary care health professionals FR 9 1 October 2015 30 June 2016
278 Assessment of sarcopenia in primary care:identifying potential practical tools for assessment and scope for intervention FR 9 1 October 2015 30 April 2016
279 Process evaluation of the Digital Alcohol Management on Demand (DIAMOND) feasibility randomised controlled trial FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
280 Online structured education with email facilitation for people with type 2 diabetes: feasibility trial FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
121 CANDID FR 10 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
170 ATAFUTI FR 10 1 October 2015 28 February 2016
250 Literature review of exercise interventions for peripheral arterial disease. FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
251 Patterns of medication use and polypharmacy at the end of life FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2017
249 Validation of existing risk prediction models for colorectal cancer FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
248 Systematic review of prostate cancer risk prediction models for use in the general population FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
247 Assessing the potential of a data sharing and communication facility within a cessation smartphone app (Q Sense) for patients and NHS smoking cessation advisors FR 9 1 October 2015 31 March 2016
246 Can continuity of primary care decrease unscheduled secondary care use? FR 9 1 October 2015 31 March 2016
245 The impact on children of exposure to domestic violence and the implications for a primary care response: a systematic review and secondary analysis of qualitative evidence FR 9 1 October 2015 31 July 2016
244 Identification of gambling problems in primary care FR 9 1 October 2015 30 September 2016
208 The Bristol archive project FR 8 6 January 2015 5 September 2015
207 Patient's Experience of Treatments for depression FR 8 1 April 2014 30 June 2015
212 Characteristics of patient populations that determine the effectiveness of collabortive care interventions for depression: meta-analysis of individual participant data inpeople with long term conditions FR 8 1 March 2014 10 July 2015
389 Antidepressants for Insomnia - Cochrane Review FR 14 1 February 2014 30 October 2014
209 Pain App I FR 8 1 January 2014 30 September 2014
210 Pain App II - validity and utility FR 8 1 January 2014 30 September 2014
211 An analytical framework for increasing the efficiency and validity of research using primary care databases FR 8 1 January 2014 30 June 2015
213 Self testing of proteinuria in pregnancy FR 8 1 January 2014 31 December 2014
214 Changes in GP management of depression FR 8 1 January 2014 31 July 2015
206 Phase 2 - Proactive familial breast cancer risk assessment in primary care: feasibility of an optimised intervention to improve identification FR 8 1 October 2013 30 September 2014
435 Hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer: case-control study using CPRD FR17