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Juan Carlos Bazo Alverez - University College London

Project Title: Health inequalities in People with seveRe mental Illnesses: Impact of antipsychOtic tReatments and social Inequalities on long Term phYsical health (PRIORITY) 

Beth Bareham Newcastle University

Project Title: Understanding co-occurring alcohol and mental health problems amongst older people, and developing holistic, age-tailored and integrated approaches in local primary care and community alcohol and mental health services 

Rhiannon Barker London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 

Project Title: Exploring the links between mental health, school exclusion and gang culture from the perspective of young people 

Sarah Cook Imperial College London

Project Title: Investigating health inequalities in people with alcohol use disorders and type 2 diabetes 

Greg Hartwell London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) 

Project Title: Exploring the commercial determinants of children and young people’s mental health: a qualitative study into the intersecting impacts of vaping and TikTok 

Alexander Hodkinson - University of Manchester

Project Title: Quality and safety processes of care for underserved young people with mental ill health and effectiveness of youth suicide prevention programmes in primary care and community settings 

Holly Hope - University of Manchester

Project Title: Using big data to optimise preconception health among women with mental illness

Celia Hulme - University of Manchester

Project Title: Social Prescribing for Culturally Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) Users 

Ruth Naughton-Doe University of York 

Project Title: Finding solutions for perinatal loneliness in collaboration with people with lived and practitioner experience. 

Roberta Piroddi - University of Liverpool

Project Title: LINKed data tools to inform action against Suicide and self-harm (LINKS) 

Ruth Plackett - University College London

Project Title: The benefits and harms of social media use for young adults with common mental health disorders presenting to primary care 

Anna Price - University of Exeter

Project Title: Managing young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance on pathways to improve healthcare for an underserved population 

Maureen SeguinLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Project Title: Impact of access to housing on mental health and coping amongst Ukrainian refugees in the UK

Sarah Steeg - University of Manchester

Project Title: Primary and social care service utilisation and needs among people who have harmed themselves 

Laura Warbrick - University of Exeter

Project Title: Development and evaluation of brief GP and IAPT clinician training to improve the care of patients with underlying personality difficulties. 

Sarah WighamNewcastle University 

Project Title: DevelOPing a primary care traumA screening tooL and a practitioner/staff training resource on trauma among people with learning disabilities. OPAL Study. 

Ge Yu - Newcastle University

Project Title: Emerging eviDence on the impact of COVID-19 on mental hEalth sErvices and health inequalities in highly dePrived communities (DEEP)